












Before the European Lectures
Part ②: Across China

For the first 10 years, I rarely left the university campus and stayed in one place. In Japan, there’s a saying, “Three years on a rock.” But in China, they say it takes 10 years of practice to perform for one minute on stage. So, I spent 10 years practicing.

When I say 10 years, it wasn’t easy. For example, when I helped students fix their accents, I would check the clock, thinking, “Only two minutes have passed…,” “Finally, ten minutes…” I did this for eight hours every day after school. Speech coaching felt easier because time went by faster. People would say, “How can you give so much advice and feedback?” But compared to correcting pronunciation, speech coaching was much easier. So I listened carefully and tried to give helpful advice.

After doing this for 10 years, I thought I could give good speeches too. So, I started the "Japanese Lecture Marathon." But once I was on stage, everything felt different. Student speeches were only 3 to 5 minutes long, but my speech was 120 minutes!

During the lecture, I noticed that if I didn’t speak well for just a few seconds, the students would look bored. It’s hard to get their attention back once it’s lost, so I had everyone stand up, do eye exercises, and jump for one minute. I often clap during my lectures and classes—it’s like the two claps and bow at a shrine to chase away bad energy. After doing lectures for a long time, I got used to the difficulty and began to think, “This is how life is.”

In the next 10 years, I gave even louder lectures. One day, I arrived at the university gate at 6 a.m. by night bus. The teacher and students were already there waiting for me. The head teacher said, “Let’s start the lecture now,” so I began shouting at 6:30 in the morning. Sometimes, just being a foreigner made me a local hero.

On another day, I gave a lecture to 500 students at night. Suddenly, the power went out. I always tell myself, “I’m strong when things go wrong,” but without a microphone, I was stuck. Then, a student turned on their phone light and pointed it at me. I started singing SMAP's "Sekai ni Hitotsu Dake no Hana" with “La-la-la,” and the students joined in. I didn’t remember the lyrics, so we kept singing “La-la-la” until the lights and microphone came back. Everyone laughed, but I will never forget how beautiful it was when we all waved our phones and sang together.

Another time, during the Q&A session of a lecture, a student asked me, “What is your favorite poem from the ‘Three Hundred Tang Poems’ (which is like Japan’s Hyakunin Isshu)?” I panicked and couldn’t answer. I walked slowly, and by the seventh step, the audience laughed. I remembered a poem by Cao Zhi from the Three Kingdoms period. He was forced to make a poem in seven steps or be killed. I recited the first line of his poem in Chinese, and the whole room clapped and laughed. Then we all sang the poem together.

I’ve made many mistakes during my lectures, but sometimes, I’ve hit the mark and had memorable moments.

(Next time: Europe and Africa)
